Painting on found shit

Got to take a much needed day off today, to screen print initially, but it turned in to a productive painting day. There's an exhibition being organised for Gallery 48, The Strand by Townsville artist and lecturer Anne Lord called Uncertain Substrates - about works created on potentially unstable surfaces. Thanks also to Anne for including an old triptych of mine on the invite, which can be seen at the website above, and in the show as well.

With the help of another great artist and new space-mate Tom Jefferson I scrounged around and found this piece of fibro/timber to paint on, which had some plywood attached, some painted blank areas, and some interesting exposed edges. The timber instantly had some interesting compositional elements and exisiting marks which suggested some history to the surface, which I really liked the thought of.

The painting, titled Nothing Doin', turned out really quickly, which is always a nice change. There's an image of the blank surface on my easel above, and a detail from the completed work below. The full completed work can also be seen in in View Selected Works. The inscription on the work reads: My fear of achieving nothing is paralysing...So I end up doing nothing.